Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Deanie's birthday post

It's hard to read, but Tanner and Melissa, could you tell Deanie that the sign says:
Dean is three, 3, tulo, III--so it says "three" four different ways. And it says Happy Birthday on the side.
Dear Dean,
We had a great time today thinking of you and planning a place to take our birthday picture for you. We chose to do it right next to the ocean where we live. It was really windy today and some boys about Simon's age were flying a kite right near us. It was up so high you could hardly see it!
It is almost always windy here by the ocean--sometimes just a breeze, sometimes really howling winds. You can see the ocean behind us, and behind that is another island, the island of Cebu. We traveled there by boat one time. We just drove our truck up to the boat, then drove on to the boat over a ramp, then the ramp went up and the boat chugged along to Cebu island. Then we drove off, and drove up the rode over there. It's really fun on the boat because it rocks and rolls around in the waves.
Grampy and I are happy that we get to see you on the computer sometimes. You are getting so big, and now that you are three you must be even bigger!
Did it snow there yet? It never, ever, ever snows here and the children don't even know what snow looks like or feels like and they don't know about being cold. They are never freezy cold here, even outside at night.
We love you Dean and wish you a very happy birthday.
Love always,
Grammy and Grampy


Melissa said...

Is there some way for me to post a picture of his intent little face studying your picture while we read him this letter? So cute!!!! Suffice it to say, this does not do well for your whereabouts in his mind. "Grammy and Grampy are in the Philippines. At the beach." Thanks for thinking of him on his Birthday!

themother said...

I can just picture his cutie self--he's such a great listener. Ya, that's the problem, we live in Paradise at the beach, but with bugs and poverty and disease and just across the highway and up a stretch there's a place Dante did not envision, a place of perpetual mud. It's a strange juxtaposition.
Love Grammy

Joan said...

How much do I love "Grammy and Grampy?" Can I steal that title one day? SO darling.
I love that you write these little birthday notes and take a birthday picture holding a poster. You two are the cutest.
Keep up the good work.
I love you!