Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Trees and Balboys

Passing through the mahogany grove
the best Christmas place we ever saw.

I mean, how many times do you
follow a caribou while looking
for the favorite spot!

Sister Claus's helpers were waiting.

It's obvious which is the right tree. Sparky knows!

The only thing that is lacking is snow. Oh ya, and a few pine needles. On Negros Oriental, putting up a banana tree is with the fruit is not only a Christmas ornament but it is good luck.

My father grew up during the depression. He would have been about 14 years old in 1932, the height of the depression. I remember very him telling me stories about what it was like living through the Great Depression. Tonight at the branch Christmas party I was reminded of one of his stories. He told me that their family was so poor that when they killed a pig the only thing that they didn’t use was the squeal from the pig when it died. Tonight our branch had the Christmas party. The highlight was lechon balboy (roasted pig over hot coals). We bought a pig and donated it to the branch. It took about 5 hours with someone rotating the pig by hand. The roasted skin is the highlight.

Everything is used. This was a big pig. This is the pig after it was fully cooked. The crispy skin is the delicacy. The big guy with the meat cleaver is named Julius. I renamed him "Pork Chop" . He kind of likes the names. The last picture is where the pig was. The last thing to get chopped up was the head. I am not sure who took the ears and snout but it wasn't long until they were gone to.
What a difference from earlier in the day when we were walking through mud carrying rice and water.
The branch needed a party and got one.

Maayon Pasko!


Joan said...

Don't worry about Daniel on Christmas :) I'm Tanner's personal shopper and making sure Dan has some goodies to look forward to.
I sure love you both!
Merry Christmas Auntie and Uncle!

Joan said...

Ps: as much as I love meat...I may consider becoming a vegetarian after this post! haha.